Burnaby Schools

Education Technology Plan

Authentic, Personalized and Relevant Learning Experiences

Our Vision

Mission Statement

To provide equitable and sustainable access to digital tools so students may develop communication, collaboration, and technical skills required for responsible and meaningful participation in this digital age.

Our Direction

Education Technology Framework

How Does Education Technology Support our Teachers and Student Learners?

High quality access to technology offers staff and students the opportunity to

Better Engage in Learning

Gain deeper understanding of complex topics

Better Engage in Learning

Think Critically

Improve the quality of thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it

Better Engage in Learning

Work Creatively

Have access to tools and resources that offer creative opportunities

Better Engage in Learning

Share and Present

Collaborate and share work and/or ideas with their community

Better Engage in Learning

Be Innovative

Be able to work in different modes and environments to develop for the future

Better Engage in Learning

Be Healthy Digital Citizens

Balance their interactions in digital environments to become a reflective, ethical, and global citizen

Better Engage in Learning

Digital Literacy

The Ministry of Education and Child Care defines digital literacy as the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, create and communicate with others

Digital Citizenship

Common Sense Media defines Digital Citizenship as a set of skills for thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly in the digital world.

Digital Literacy & Citizenship Competencies for Grades 4 to 12

I know how to use digital tools to create original content

This looks like:
Recording and producing audio based content (e.g., podcast, radio show, short oral responses, audiobooks)
Recording and producing video based content
Authoring written content for a variety of audiences on various platforms (Word, web sites, blog posts etc.)
Project planning and documentation of design/project basis

I know how to use digital tools to share my original content with an audience

This looks like:
Creating digital presentations
Posting content to a blog or website
Presenting a published video recording, audio recording, or other digital content to peers and/or the public
Inviting feedback and reflecting on the experience

I know how to use digital tools to find information

This looks like:
Conducting online research using databases and websites
Efficient web searching
Critical evaluation of resources (accuracy & credibility)
Citation and fair use of digital resources

I know how to use digital tools to connect and
work with others

This looks like:
Sharing files to co-author presentations and documents
Providing effective feedback in digital format
Job-sharing and teamwork
Communicating over a variety of platforms to collaborate

I know how to verify online content

This looks like:
Critically reading online articles and information (avoiding click-bait and phishing scams)
Strategies to verify images/content found online (social media)
Corroborating/Cross-referencing (fact checking) information online

I know how to engage with others and conduct
myself online

This looks like:
Treating others and myself with respect when interacting online
Understanding how my online activities are tracked and preserved through time
Recognizing the impact of my actions when engaging in online activity
Knowing how to keep my personal information safe online

I know how to balance my health and wellness with digital activities

This looks like:
Understanding the impacts of device use (social/emotional and physical health)
Creating a family plan for balanced device use at home
Knowing when it is appropriate to use a device in school

I know how to protect my personal information and online reputation (digital footprint)

This looks like:

Cultivating a strong online persona by posting positive content and avoiding
digital drama
Using strong passwords and multifactor authentication to protect my data online
Avoiding online scams and oversharing personal information

Digital Literacy & Citizenship Competencies

for Younger Grades

How to 'Bee' When Using Technology

Be a creator

I can use technology to make something new and share my ideas

Be an explorer

I can use technology to find information and learn something new

Be balanced

I know how technology makes me feel and when I’ve had enough

Be kind

I use friendly words and show kindness when I’m on the internet

Be safe

I know what information to keep to myself on the Internet and how to stay safe when I use technology

Goals, Objectives and Actions

Putting the Plan into Action

Goal 1: Enable students to use technology to be digitally empowered and responsible citizens

Goal 2: Provide stable and equitable access to digital experiences for staff and students and grow the adoption of tools and strategies to enhance learning experiences in all classrooms

Goal 3: Cultivate an environment of digital innovation

Current Projects Underway


The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative in Burnaby Schools provides the ability for parents and their child(ren) to bring a prescribed technology device (most likely a laptop) from home and use it as an educational tool in school.  Students will use these devices, with the guidance of their teachers, to support a variety of learning activities, manage online resources and support different learning modes (audio/video/written).

BYOD offers schools the ability to provide greater opportunities for students to explore and build skills around the use of technology.  At the same time, teachers can provide guidance which can shape students’ experiences using technology.   This includes:

  • managing their time with technology as creators and consumers
  • connecting the ways technology can support their learning needs
  • demonstrating appropriate use and responsibilities when using their devices

In our modern, global environment, students must be able to communicate, collaborate and leverage the use of technology tools to be able to work effectively and navigate digital spaces to access information.


Our district vision is to create: “A premier learning community where we engage and innovate to inspire global citizenship.” 

No matter where we are, whether at home, at school, in the community or on the internet, our common values and beliefs guide our development as citizens. Connecting these values and beliefs to our digital community is essential.

With the rapid development and pace of our digital environments, we need to give students the skills they need not only to empower their use of technology as a learning tool, but also to manage their communication, relationships, and behavior using technology and online tools.

This includes skills like:

  • collaborating with technology and working as a team
  • organizing and managing digital documents
  • providing creative credit and respecting copyright
  • using technology to be creative and innovative

But it also looks at student decisions on:

  • deciding what information is appropriate to put online
  • developing positive online communication and relationships
  • considering your personal privacy & others
  • balancing the use of technology, screen time and dependence